Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Its primary characteristics include hyperandrogenism, anovulation, insulin resistance, and neuroendocrine disruption. The syndrome is named after the characteristic cyst which may form on the ovaries, though it is important to note that this is a symptom and not the underlying cause of the disorder.

  • Causes: Genetic and environmental factors
  • Symptoms include: Irregular menstrual periods, heavy periods, excess hairs, acne, pelvic pain, difficulty in getting pregnant, patches of thick, darker, velvety skin, metabolic syndromes such as central obesity, and other symptoms associated with insulin resistance
  • Polycystic ovaries: Ovaries might get enlarged and comprise follicles surrounding the eggs. As a result, ovaries might fail to function regularly.
  • Investigation: Pelvic ultrasound is the major diagnostic tool; a few blood investigations may be helpful.

In Ayurveda, PCOS can be correlated with Granthi / Anarthava

Management in Ayurveda

3 to 4 weeks of admission is necessary for the treatment. The protocol includes:

  • Patient education along with educating the family members
  • Strict diet
  • Regular exercises
  • Ayurveda Panchakarma therapies
  • Ayurveda internal medicines
  • Yoga
  • Relaxation and meditation

What to Expect After the Treatment Program

  • Gradual correction of menstrual cycle.
  • Good control over body weight.
  • Increased possibility of conception.
  • Emotional stability.
  • Other symptomatic relief.

Please note

Response to the treatment varies from patient to patient depending upon the duration of the illness, severity, stage, and other co-morbid conditions.

Patients having Cardiac (heart) problems and/or Renal (Kidney) problems may not be considered for treatment at our Institution.

Patients having Psychiatric / Psychological issues may not be able to achieve the desired results.